
Sunday, January 6, 2008


Alone with my heartbeat
Trapped in the atmosphere
I shiver in thought
At what horrors have been
And will be
Your hands holding murder
Your wrists open wide
What reason have you
Invented to die
My heart thunders closer
Forgotten in your mind
In sadness I cry
For what cannot be
And can be
A knife left forgotten
Blood slick on the ground
What thoughts for vengeance
Let you strike him down
Alone with my heartbeat
Trapped by the solitude
I tremble in sadness
To watch what has been
And can be

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I cut my thumb last Wednesday
A papercut, no more
Blood beaded on my fingertip
Then fell onto the floor
A bubble bright it lay there
Life giving force no more
It lay somewhere between
Eternity and the door
The world felt little impact
Life did not cease to sing
But in my little corner
It changed the whole damn thing