
Monday, May 18, 2009

A bunch of short bits of verse that've I've written for my photo blog.

Skip across a moment
Tangle in the sun
Let each waking moment
Sparkle on your tongue

The universe came to visit
In a splash of water
Baking in the icy sun
It blinked it's starry eyes
Then passed on
To another corner
And another sun

Love is long streets
Bright lights
Fading day
Approaching night

And the night will be filled with music
While the lights
They swirl by like stars
And the people will dance with abandon
A joyful gathering
Together we are

The death of a giant
Remembered will be
When I cup in my hands
The heart of a tree

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Your letter

Arrived yesterday

Pocketed in sunlight

In years past

You spoke of colours

And bright steel bullet trains

You rang with

Stories of progress

Steel words flew from your mouth

But not now.

Yesterday I read

Grey words picked carefully

Taken from

A corporate vault

Shown to pacify minds.

I used to

Think in bright colours

You effortlessly spun

I don’t know

Which one of us has

Changed more completely

Perhaps it’s

The world that has changed

Into grey-brown clear-cuts

Men who see

Nothing but steel lines

A stately procession

Towards death.

Arriving today

Wrapped up in sunlight.

Bright lines of music
Curl through corrugated feelings
Rusted in silence and uncertainty
Wary of judgment
From other unknowns
And spite
The music
Runs through like water
Soaking into darkness
Leaving sparks of hope
That soon rust
soft words
quiet sounds
pulled from raw throats
distance masking insincerity
coating dead words in sadness
saving numb minds
from obscurity
